We've been a little surprised at how
honesty is the exception rather than the norm.
Here are three examples:
1. While laundering a recent fitness club's order, 36 hryven (less than $5) of changes was found.
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"What do we do with it?" an employee asked.
"We return it with the completed order."
All the employees seem a little surprised and pleasantly pleased with this response - they are good employees after all.
The money is returned to the client with the cleaned towels and robes.
The fitness club is shocked.
"In the last five years, we have never had loose change returned," they say, "this occurring must be really rare."
Sorry, not so rare at all.
Every day we've laundered their robes and towels, loose change has been found.
Never more than about $5 dollars ... but over a five year period, someone at the previous laundry service definitely filled a few piggy-banks worth.

2. After securing the daily washing order for the previously mentioned fitness club, the wash service who held the contract tried to sabotage our soap.
We buy German-grade industrial soap out of the back of a car from a guy who brings it across the boarder - when in Rome ...
Anyway, our seller got a mysterious call from one of "our employees" switching the ordered soap from non-bleach to BLEACH. Result, a few loads of beige towels are a bit more white.
We get business competition ... but more in the form of lower-prices or better service, not directly damaging the other guy.
3. There are two night workers at the aforementioned fitness club who hand-off the soiled robes and towels. Strangely, when worker B is on duty, and we arrive to pick up the soiled goods, he tells us that their former laundry service is washing the order that day.
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Whatever ... maybe it was the bleached load that deterred the fitness club?
We leave empty handed ... and as we drive away, we get a phone call from the fitness club asking why we didn't pick up the dirty wash.
We explain we were told not to -
Turns out, over the last five-years each night that worker B distributes the soiled goods to the former washing service the dirty towels weigh in 30 kilos more than on other nights. I guess you could say he had a separate 'contract' with the former service to say there was more wash then there actually was, thus charging the fitness club more ... and he got a kick-back from the laundry service.
Worker B lost his job that night.