Friday, January 27, 2012

Bubbles and PRO

Remember how Bubbles and Lviv Radio teamed up to raise money for Project Reach Out to make Christmas better for a local orphanage ...
Well, here is a news report on the success of the philanthropic venture:  
The older woman is the orphanage director, and the blond girl is a Bubble's employee, the guy you may be familiar with, and the red-haired lady is from Lviv Radio.
Basically they are saying how important it is to give back to the community, and how great it is that Bubbles was able to provide a Christmas celebration for the children.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Model Laundromat

 When we tell people in the U.S. we're opening laundromats in Ukraine, I think the visual image most American's have is of a utilitarian rundown dive of a place with poor lighting and only a handful of working machines.

What we've created in Lviv is a bit more sleek: A place where customers relax, sip complimentary fruit tea, and leave more confident with cleaner clothes.

Bubbles is a place where families have access to a cleaner life,
and business can carry on as usual.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lady Gaga and The Chandelier

Dishes and Designs blog just posted about the Bubbles Chandelier here and the inspiration and creation behind the floating masterpiece here.

And while I'm linking to other sites - the buzz in the laundry industry is:
Lady Gaga recently took over a NY Second Avenue laundromat for a Vanity Fair photo shoot.

Of course said laundromat only boasts Dexter machines (who knew Lady Gaga and I had similar taste?) ...
and since the Vanity Fair shoot, we too have had lots of visitors come in and take copy-cat pictures by our machines.

Kind of cool, I guess.
Though, I should mention, as I was looking up images of Lady Gaga from the Annie Leibovitz shoot, my computer filter function blocked me from accessing most of the sites.

A final point:
Don't you think Bubbles looks way more glamorous than this upscale NY joint?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas in Ukraine is celebrated January 7th.
Here is the radio-ad that Lviv Radio aired 35 times over the last few days - letting people know ALL proceeds from Bubble's (January 4 and 5) go to a local orphanage we've worked with extensively through Project Reach Out.
Like the Iowa caucus, the final numbers are still out on just how busy we were - but suffice it to say, we were busy!
Tomorrow (January 6 - Christmas Eve) our employees go shopping to buy new beds, blankets, pillows, food (fruit!), medicine, and toys for the orphanage to be delivered on Christmas Day (January 7).