And things are looking good in here!
The skeleton for the cover and folding areas around the washing machines is being built. It's really a neat contraption that Benj designed. Once it's complete I'll post pictures of the finished product - complete with removable top and front to get to the pipes for maintenance.

On a more decorative note, the "bubble" mirrors above the dryers were hung today.
There is a pop singer in Kyiv who's agent heard about our store and the bubble chandelier we're making, and they called to see if they could video her singing in the store in front of the chandelier. Sure! We don't know how this information spreads, but we'll take it.
Every year our business has to be re-tested to make sure we're up to fire code ... different than the fire permissions and certifications. So, yesterday the guy shows up to check all the plugs, outlets, and wiring. Good news, we pass inspection. Bad news is, he's only one of three people who have to sign off on the inspection. He informs us that one signature will require a large bribe, and the other guy is out of town for the next 10 working days. Ugh. But then he catches a vision of how ridiculous all these hoops are that people have to maneuver in, around, and through to open a business in Ukraine ... and he VOLUNTEERS to sign for all three names! Bam! Job done, just like that - he stamps it - and we walk it over to the government agency so they can file it away until next year. No waiting 10 days, no bribes ... it's taken care of.
On a final note for the day, I'd like you to meet our friend 'the Babuska'! And we really are friends. She stops by almost everyday, let's us know she's keeping a close eye on our building and bushes, making sure no one takes anything they aren't supposed to, and asks us for bread money - which we give her.
All is well that ends well ... and we really are getting closer!