Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nudist Laundromat

Bubbles drying
There's a huge learning curve whenever you do a "first," and helping people grasp the concept of the "first" laundromat in Ukraine is no exception. Yes, there are many Ukrainians who have lived in other countries who are familiar with the concept of going to a place to wash AND dry your clothes, but the overwhelming majority of the 54 million people who live here have never seen a self-serve, full-service laundromat.
apartment drying
We've contracted with a local marketing team to help spread the word about Bubbles : cleaner clothes, more hygienic, less likely to get sick, more confident, more convenient (no more waiting at home all day as your clothes dry on the line), or waiting multiple days for clothes to line dry in rainy, cold or humid weather.
As we were going over the stores floor plan and opening day celebration schedule, one of the members of the marketing team asked,
potential Bubbles patrons
"Where are the changing rooms?"
Us: "The government required employee changing and showering room is here."
Marketer: "No, the changing room for people who come to wash their clothes."
Us: a perplex look - after all, this conversation is happening in Ukrainian and maybe there's a language barrier.
Marketer: "I thought people came to your laundromat so they could wash ALL of their clothes? Isn't that what you do at a laundromat? Where do people change into robes so they can take off their clothes and wash the outfit they are wearing - wash all of their clothes?"
Us: "Well, they don't. They keep their clothes on and bring in clothes, blankets, towels, whatever to wash ..."

You can see our concern if the contracted marketing team is having trouble catching the vision of what it is we're doing. It's not a nudist wash-house, it's a laundromat ...
Though on second thought, maybe a nudist laundromat would put a fresh spin on a tried an true concept.

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