The fire department installed the emergency exit signs and detectors.
Interior painting is finished.
The lights are getting closer to being complete.
We've re-plastered the outside facade because it was not done correctly the first time.
Our honest bush thief has returned yet another bush.
And we continue to try to navigate with and around the web of complications Abilit has created.
Power should be turned on today (fingers crosses) and we are getting closer with gas permissions.
On a final note, we had a dream last night ... we were on a balcony of a home on a mountain. We tried to get off the balcony, walked around and around as it winded down the mountain ... until we realized there was a tiger at the end. So we went back the way we came only to discover there was a bear on the other side. As they both approached we realized there was no way off ... except to wake-up. So, that's what we did - we woke up. Any interpretations?
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