Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Advantage" Magazine Article

Ukrainian economist, Василь Скріба, came by Bubbles for an interview.
Here is an online version of his report for "Advantage" Magazine.

For those not fluent in Ukrainian, the article is something like a Q & A.
Why did you open a laundromat in Ukraine? - check "What the What" on this blog if you aren't familiar with our response.
How much did it cost? "A lot." They pushed for exact numbers, we gracefully dodged.
How long did it take? "A few years of planning and research, bout 5 months full-time work."
How long would it take to open a laundromat in the States? "A few months."
Why do you think this will work? Everyone has their own washing machines in Lviv? "Here you can wash and DRY your clothes in an hour. The machines are lagerger so people can wash things they can't fit in their own machines ... and this gives people an option of how to dry clothes in rain and cold. Plus, there are people like students and tourist who don't have access to washing machines. In America, people have washing machines in thier homes too ... and there is still a need for laundromats." 

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