Friday, November 18 Bubbles hosted our grand opening event.

150 personal invitations were delivered to people who were involved with getting Bubbles up and running - city counselors, commissioners, gas, water, electrical personnel, those who helped with marketing, and preliminary work.

500+ people attended and we feel it was a complete success - 5 to 8 pm open-house.
The national, and local television stations were there - videoed, interviewed, and actually let out an audible gasp at the finished quality.
The national station said they are suggesting our bubble chandelier be one of the "Top Ten things to see in Lviv" list ... pretty cool.
We served fruit tea, cake, and fresh fruit.

A band entertained as we washed clothes and mingled with people.

Here are a couple funny stories - we had a remarkable balloon entry that we think turned out great.

Several adults came in off the street to see what was going on inside ... and then as they were leaving asked, "May I have a ballon?"
"For you or a child?" we responded - keep in mind they are all tied together as part of an entry arch.
"For me, of course."
We sigh. "You are welcome to come by after we're closed and when we take down the balloons, you may have one."
Second story: as part of Ukrainian tradition, people throw money at the person who's opened a new business. So, throughout the night, people thew small bills (most worth about a US quarter) at us, and at one point there were at least 50 bills on the ground. By the end of the night, when everyone left, there were three paper bills on the ground! People (not the one for whom the bills were intended) took the bills off the floor as they left!

Final story: one of the workers was in charge of handing out Bubble's t-shirts. She left her post for a moment to help a client with their wash - yes, we continued business as usual during the event, which was wonderful because people were able to see how the machines worked, and the quality of wash. While she was gone, a woman came over and started shoving t-shirts into her purse ... what she wanted with 20+ Bubble shirts, we don't know. The worker came back and asked, "what are you doing?"
"Oh," the startled woman replies, "the owner said I could take these."
"Really? Could you please point out the owner to me?" our employee asked her.
Well, she couldn't, of course ... and reluctantly returned the t-shirts.
At any rate, we are thrilled to be open, and happy to have had such positive feedback, reviews, and press coverage thus far.