In May, anticipating increased demand from the Euro Cup, and more established clientele, we ordered another industrial iron for Bubbles. The contract stated that we'd have the iron in three weeks ... by June 18th at the latest. That date, as well as many others since then came and went with no iron to show. The additional 1,000 sq/ft of space we leased sat wanting an iron for months. Finally, today September 10, for the first time, we saw the iron safely to it's new home.
This iron (left, Iron1) has been running at full capacity - with stretches of work where it did not turn off, or rest for 15 solid days (around the clock, 24/7). Of course, every machine has a breaking point (which is part of the reason why we wanted and ordered another iron) and this iron is no exception. A part broke (graphite ring) mid-summer and left Bubbles with tons (literally) of ironing to do by hand until the needed part was DHL'ed from France (of course the Ukrainian distributor doesn't have spare parts on hand). The part actually had to be shipped twice because the first time it was installed a careless hand broke it a second time resulting in an emergency flight to Kiev to meet the part (again) at the airport and hand deliver the graphite ring. Frustrating.
Here's to Iron2 and a hassle free installment (fingers crossed) tomorrow.