The Euro Cup (biggest soccer tournament of the year, besides the World Cup) comes to Ukraine in about a month.
To say everyone is excited it an understatement ... hotels are rapidly renovating to higher European standards, old mashruka vans have been replaced with new sleek buses, and Lviv's infrastructural has had a face-lift. Here are some practical benefits from Lviv being one of the three host cities.

1. Lviv hosts the game between the German and Dutch national soccer teams. A couple of days ago Bubbles received a phone call from a gentleman with a very thick Australian accent. Turns out he washed his clothes with us while in Lviv scouting out accommodations and such for both the German and Dutch teams. He said he's washed his clothes all over the world and he has never had them come out as clean and fresh as they did when he washed at Bubbles! So, he sent us the contract to do all the wash for both the German and Dutch teams (150 person entourage per team) while they are in Lviv for the tournament. Pretty cool. So now we're excited about the Euro Cup too. In fact, we looked into tickets, but at 5,000 EUROS a pop, I think we'll just enjoy the games from a distance while washing uniforms.

2. A new airport. Thought the president came and officially opened the new airport ... it's actually not yet in service. BUT many new flights have opened up making travel to and from Lviv much more accessible. Previously if you wanted to get to Lviv by plane you had three options - Kyiv, Munich, and Vienna. Now Ryan Air flies several times a week to Germany and Venice, and our next trip is to Istanbul direct to Lviv on Turkish Air. We think it will be great both for people to visit Lviv and learn more about this fascinating place, as well as for locals to be able to see more of the world beyond Ukraine.