A local magazine recently released their list of the top 50 business people in Lviv.
Of the 50, guess how many were women?
Just one!
Is this a joke? Granted we are foreigners, and not exactly plugged into the 'whose who' culture, but we have a pretty good pulse on the market, and we know many competent, talented, well-educated business women in Lviv who have resumes far superior than many of the men listed in this magazine.
So we asked a trusted (male) friend if this publication seemed odd - just one woman was highlighted.
He scoffed, and said he was surprised there was even ONE on the list.
Clearly a male-dominated former Soviet Culture.
So, we asked the editor (woman) of another magazine, Lviv Today, who she thought the 10 most influential business people are in town. She rattled off ten names, and guess what FOUR of them were women.Thank you very much.
As luck, fate, and destiny would have it, we were recently contacted by this magazine regarding advertising - we expressed our shock that their former cover article which listed only ONE woman in a group of 49 men, and then said that type of magazine/ journalism was not who we want to do business with.
They apologized profusely.
You'll never guess what next months cover story is ...
Lviv's 20 top WOMEN.
I guess we can advertise with them after all.
True story.